Aeronave / Aircraft:
British Aerospace BAe-146-301ARA |
Número de série / Serial Number: 3001 |
Primeiro voo / First Flight: 09/04/1987 / 04/09/1987 |
Prefixo de teste / Test registration: G-SSSH |
Entrega /
Delivery |
Prefixo / Registration |
Companhia / Company |
03/09/1981 / 09/03/1981 |
BAe Systems (Protótipo do Bae
146-100.) / BAe Systems (Prototype of BAe 146-100.) |
09/04/1987 / 04/09/1987 |
G-5-300 |
BAe Systems (Protótipo do Bae
146-300.) / BAe Systems (Prototype of BAe 146-300.) |
10/05/2004 / 05/10/2004 |
FAAM (Facility for Airborne
Atmospheric Measurements. Transformado em BAe 146-301ARA.) /
FAAM (Facility for Airborne
Atmospheric Measurements. Transformed to BAe 146-301ARA.) |