Aeronave / Aircraft: Boeing 707-324C |
Número de série / Serial Number: 19352 (LN: 576) |
Primeiro voo / First Flight: 19/04/1967 / 04/19/1967 |
Prefixo de teste / Test registration: |
Entrega /
Delivery |
Prefixo / Registration |
Companhia / Company |
21/04/1967 / 04/21/1967 |
N17329 |
Continental |
01/08/1972 / 08/01/1972 |
9V-BEX |
MSA (Malaysia-Singapore Airlines) |
30/09/1972 / 09/30/1972 |
9V-BEX |
Singapore Airlines |
27/04/1982 / 04/27/1982 |
N707JJ |
International Air Leases |
06/1982 / 06/1982 |
N707JJ |
Arrow Air (Convertido em cargueiro.)
/ Arrow Air (Converted to Freighter.) |
09/1985 / 09/1985 |
B-2423 |
Shanghai Airlines |
10/1988 / 10/1988 |
N707PM |
Exports Air Leasing |
21/08/1990 / 08/21/1990 |
N707PM |
Comtran International |
01/12/1990 / 12/01/1990 |
HK-3604X |
Tampa |
07/1991 / 07/1991 |
HK-3604X |
Venexcargo |
1992 / 1992 |
HK-3604X |
Tampa |
17/02/2000 / 02/17/2000 |
Skymaster (Estocado no aeroporto de
Cumbica, em Guarulhos, em maio de 2007. Desmontado em 2010.) / Skymaster (Stored
at the Cumbica Airport, in Guarulhos, in May 2007. Disassembled in
2010.) |